In February of 2010, Bliss Old Market Bakery was born. At that time, we subleased the kitchen and small bakery storefront from Aromas and worked around the clock to build clientele, perfect recipes, and figure out how my culinary life and business degree could work together in the real life. With the help of wildly invested family, friends, and employees, our little bakery grew and improved and we got to know so many of you great people.
A year-and-a-half later, in July of 2011, we had the opportunity to purchase Aromas Coffeehouse. We loved the space and already shared so many customers. We had a great relationship with the previous owner, but a different vision for the company. Over the past two years, we have worked tirelessly to improve the quality of product, consistency of the process, and overall experience for our customers.
So here we are, at the end of June 2013, finishing a remodel project to combine the bakery and coffee counters and work spaces. The building had been set up for two businesses to operate, but that structure had long-since stopped making sense for our growing company. So, we saved our pennies for a remodel to create a more unified brand, more convenient shopping experience for our customers, and more efficient workspace for our employees.
The place looks great! Way to go.